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Color Pencil

$80.00 $120.00

Water Pot

$80.00 $120.00

Art Paper

$80.00 $120.00

Stop Watch

$80.00 $120.00

Comics Book

$80.00 $120.00

In order to build a Liberation Movement, PACA engages in Strategic Partnerships around campaigns, issues or with like-minded organizations, either bilaterally or in a broader Alliance.

PACA's Strategic Partnerships include:


one-dcONE DC/Black Workers and Wellness Center

At ONE DC, our mission is to exercise political strength to create and preserve racial and economic equity in Shaw and the District. We seek to create a community in DC that is equitable for all.




BAP-LogoBlack Alliance for Peace

The Black Alliance for Peace (BAP) seeks to recapture and redevelop the historic anti-war, anti-imperialist, and pro-peace positions of the radical black movement. Through educational activities, organizing and movement support, organizations and individuals in the Alliance will work to oppose both militarized domestic state repression, and the policies of de-stabilization, subversion and the permanent war agenda of the U.S. state globally.






naarprNational Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression (NAARPR)

The NAARPR is a Black-led, Left-led, multi-racial, multi-national movement to stop police crimes, mass incarceration and the end racist and political repression that stands in unconditional solidarity with the national liberation movements of Palestine, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines, as well as the anti-imperialist struggles of South Africa, Venezuela, and all progressive, democratic forces against imperialism.

The NAARPR fights for Community Control of the Police and the free political prisoners and the innocent.